
Listing Accounts with DCI

List Accounts Manually

List Accounts Electronically

List Accounts Manually

Listing accounts with DCI Credit Services is a quick, easy process. Simply print the Listing Form and return it to us via mail or email.

List Accounts Electronically

With our new client website, Client Access Web, we have the ability to offer our clients the very best in account listing options. With this feature, our clients have the ability to list their new accounts in a variety of ways when it is convenient for them. From single placements to large document uploads, it had never been easier to list your accounts with DCI Credit Services, Inc. Call now to set up an account.

Lets Get Started

Contact DCI Credit to get started

Let's work together

At DCI, we pride ourselves in outstanding customer service and work tirelessly to help our clients get the highest return possible.


121 East Rosser Ave
Bismarck , ND 58501





Get in touch

This communication is from a debt collection agency. This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose.

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